My mother still remembers that when K preceded something, it was usually followed by more Ks :(

Hello to all my K-Kiddos,

I just want to thank everyone for making my blog such a K-Tastic hit this year! Just today, I’ve had 9 unique visitors to the site… 9! So I’m going all out next year. I’ve quit my “job” in the districts of red lights, although I hesitate to call as such since its really more of a pastime, and I’m devoting every waking moment of mine to all things K. I’ve even gotten my brother (the handsome guy on the left of the page who makes the entirety of my insta-feed … to freelance for me and even post in my name on occasion. Best K-hristmas gift this year!

I also want to share with y’all one of my deepest loves, and that is podcast consumption! If you’ve never listened to a ‘pod’, think of it like this – a lecture encapsulated into KBs of portable memory that you can take with you everywhere and listen to when all your friends ubiquitously proclamate for you to “back off, you smell like decaying cabbage, and you shade yourself from the sun like some sort of shriveling snail.” And you can stand proud, pop in your skull-candies you questionably acquired from your beloved brother, and delve into life’s deepest intellectual challenges, or listen to a funny fun story. Here’s my listicle of favorite pods continuing production in 2015! but only with listener support :/

1) Strangers – Throaty and terminally congested narrator and producer Lea Thau releases incredible stories with perpetually solid content, editing, and meaning. Unfortunately, she sounds as if she awoken from a 2 week binger every time she awakes groggily to record, but thankfully she’s not the one telling stories.

2) Serial – Normally my inner-hipster would admonish myself for enjoying something so mainstream, but it’s fine guys – I listened to it before it was cool. Still, the lack of pink ink will hide this from my judging readers. If you’ve never heard of this podcastic craze, I’ll allow SNL to satirize it for you.

3) True Story – I’m tactfully inserting this horrific pod onto the list to juxtapose it to the brilliance that is Strangers. These short podcasts feature young trustifarian Stanford grads, who I imagine are attempting to explore meaningful humor of the minute details of their sorrowful existences. I suggest listening to “See You Next Fall”, sit in preponderance about in all the mundane things you could’ve done with that 6 minutes and lament the eternal loss of that time, then listen to an inspirational episode of Strangers like “Franky Carrillo: Life”. I promise it’ll make you want to befriend more brown people in your life.

4) How Jamaica Conquered the World – Cause of Jamaican accents and the story of “Cool Runnings”

5) KCRW’s Unfictional – I really like storytelling pods, okay!

Okay everyone enjoy the New Year if yah follow the Western calendar! Byeeeeee