Top 5 – Best Western/English Music Used in K-Dramas


The Unnecessarily Long and Winding Intro…

No, this will not be about the Muzak song selection used in the hotel chain’s elevators (sorry next time I swears), but will focus on English song choices in dramas. This was inspired from the drama I’m currently watching You’re All Surrounded which is perhaps the first drama I’ve seen that used an English pop song as the tune that’s played over the closing credits following each episode. The choice is inspired, as “The Black Parade” the 2006 hit from alt-rock band My Chemical Romance, brings back some serious high school nostalgia when I was rocking what I’ll call “light faux angst”. “Back Parade” is great because its a winking take on the “I’m mad at everything” emo cliche, and is also catchy as all get out. So this becomes the perfect anthem for our cold, emo puppy Dae Koo (Played by Lee Seung-Gi) who is dealing with the weight of his past and thirst for revenge, but you know you outside his harsh exterior is just an adorable misunderstood genius, like surely all My Chemical Romance fans.

You're all surrounded - LSG

Look at how both try to act so grown up with the all black.


Guy-liner or guns, doesn’t matter. Both still adorable.

Whoops got sidetracked…. This list could also be called the Billy Joel “Piano Man” memorial list, as in an honest world Secret Love Affair’s excellent use of the song would be my #1.  Since I already discussed it as part of my wacky theory on an earlier post, I’ll just give it a quick mention here…Now on to the actual list.

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Top 5 – Favorite K-Drama tropes

Incest, wrist grabs, comas, EEEEVVVIL mothers, bitchy second leads.  What do they have in common? They are the annoying cliches and tropes used in Korean television.  But not all tropes are created equal, so this list will attempt to find the rose amongst the thorns, or is it supposed to be the other way around?



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