It’s Okay That’s Love: First Impressions

Insinuation of drug use and masturbation, open discussions of sex, transgendered characters, divorced characters, bringing mental health issues to the foreground and literal dick measuring contests.  This list alone seems iffy for Korean cable, but for the premier episode on a network?  Consider me flabbergasted.  This show seems to be on a mission to change the perceptions of what a K-Drama is and what it can achieve.

Color me impressed with it’s to-do list, though from these first two episodes, it seemed more like throwing a case full of pencils at a ceiling and hope they all stick.

That isn’t to say I didn’t throughly enjoy every minute of it, especially the pilot, which was such a glorious hodgepodge of happenings and misplaced scenes it’s rather amazing how enraptured I was.

In part this is due to all the plot points and questions raised in this first week which piqued my interest in what will occur down the line (such as the Cane and Abel scenario, all the past relationships, and everything D.O.)

it's okay that's love d.o. face

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Top 5ish – Gong Hyo-Jin Love Interests in Dramaland (Update: Vote for Your Favorite!)

With this weeks premier of her latest show, It’s Okay That’s Love, I realized that this will be my 6th (!) Gong Hyo Jin drama.  Which means I have spent more hours watching GHJ than either Lee Min Ho or Lee Seung Gi, though she still doesn’t top my apparent love affair with Ahn Suk-Hwan (UGH. 7 dramas!).

Ahn gaksital

Why are you and your mustache twirling ways in every drama ever?!?

Truth is, whenever I choose a drama, my criteria is based on critical reaction and premise rather than the actors in question, which is why it’s rather amazing the streak GHJ has going on.  To the best of my knowledge, her past six dramas have pretty much been critical or ratings successes (usually both), with zero “forgotten dramas”.  She’s also worked with some of the dramaland’s best, and though I will be focussing on her male co-stars this time around, the creative talent should make anyone jealous considering she’s worked with Lee Kyung Hee (twice), the Hong Sister’s (twice), and now also reuniting with Noh Hee Kyung.  Sounds like your typical bitchy diva who you’d never want to work with. (JK, she’s obviously amazing)

gong hyo jin turkey donkey gong hyo jin turkey?

Warning: nothing but nonsense from here on out!

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It’s..It’s Okay That’s Love Week! #Get Excited

Heyo.  Ever since I heard about this meeting of the minds drama way back in January, I’ve been biding my time to properly freak out for its arrival. Well the time is now, and though much has changed with the drama since its potential casting announcement. –Plagiarism scandals, change in tone to lighter and more comedic, crazy car accidents.– I can’t wait to see what Noh HeeKyung, Jo InSung, and Gong HyoJin come up with.

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Greatest. Mashup. Everrrrr. (and the new game inspired by it!)

That was fan-freaking-hilariously-delicious! this mash up uses her love interests Chep! and Dokko Jin from Pasta and Greatest Love respectively, and without giving anything away things take a bromantic turn in the ladder half of the vid.

So now I just  really want to combine all her TV love interests in some sort of epic movie or reality show death match. Imagine… the Coffee Prince lads with the Something Happened in Bali boys, add a Dokko Jin, and just a pinch of Thank You‘s Jang Hyuk for good measure and you’ve got…. Well dunno exactly but it sure sounds like a smexy good time! In fact…

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